Page 34 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 34

Unconventional techniques in sculpture

                               New York  Commentary  by  Dore Ashton

       Peter Agostini
       Christmas Package,  1 963
       Plaster 23½ in.  high
       Jewish  Museum
       Lent by the Stephen Radich  Gallery

                               The proliferation of new techniques and points of view   toward a disciplined style in  which forms  are carefully
                               in American sculpture is well remarked in an exhibition   generalized in what might be called a classical manner.
                               'Recent  American  Sculpture·  at  the  Jewish  Museum.   Known  for  his  early  use  of  discarded  machine  parts
                               This  museum.  which  wisely  regards  contemporary  art   welded into suggestive assemblages.  Stankiewicz is in
                               with  non-parochial  eyes.  has  lately  furnished  New   reality  little  interested  in  the  mechanical  polemic  (all
                               York City with a number of excellent documentaries.   the cliches about the mechanization of life, the debris,
                                The  seven  sculptors  in  this  show  are  all  relatively   the  detritus  of  contemporary  civilization).  In  the  six
                               young  in  terms  of  reputation.  and  markedly  young  in   welded  iron-and-steel  pieces  on  view.  ranging  from
                               terms  of  spirit.  Not  a  single  one  of  them  works  with   1955 to the present it is clear that Stankiewicz's abiding
                               conventional  techniques.                         interest  is  in  the  articulation  of  linear  and  massive
                                Richard Stankiewicz. for instance. has moved steadily   volumes  in  order  to  produce  abstract  sensations  of
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