Page 37 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 37

New  York  Commentary


                                  favoured  by  Magritte.  such  as  that  of framing  scenes   In  his  first  one-man  show  at  the  Kornblee  Gallery,
                                  so that there is a picture-within-a picture, or of writing   Malcolm Morley exhibits several large oils that strangely
                                  a legend that provides a conundrum for the mind while  and  effectively  project  an  intimate  vision  (rows  of
                                  it is busy engaging itself with the painted image.   minute forms. as in an abacus by Paul Klee) in a monu­
                                   Quite aside from the freshness of  Hockney's painting  mental scale.  Morley's horizontal bands, stressed like a
                                  technique,  I was impressed by his painting culture.  He  music score,  establish pronounced rhythms that range
                                  can use the photographic, hard representational manner  in  association  from  landscape  to  electronic  graphs.  A
                                  when  it  suits  him,  and  he  can  use  a  painterly  style  tapestry-like quality in the largest works gives Morley's
                                  alluding  to  another  tradition  (one  figure  was  straight  paintings  a  certain  ornamental  intonation,  indicating
                                  Derain)  when  he  chooses.  His  witty  observations  of  that he has yet to find his precise road, but his general
                                  America-ironically  indulgent-are  suave  and  telling.   direction is of considerable interest.   ■
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