Page 40 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 40

1                                                                          in the nudes  of  1956 an affinity with the sculpture of
      While Reclining Nude.  1 956                                              his friend Kenneth Armitage (and a reminder that Scott.
      36  X  59¾  in.                                                           too. began as a sculpture student at the  R.A. schools).
      Martha Jackson  Gallery,  New  York
                                                                                But  here  the  figure  arbitrarily  takes  the  character  of
      2                                                                         landscape  and  the  still-lives  become  more  than  'he
      Balance.  1963                                                            and she'  dramas;  they are crowded and patterned like
      63  X  68  in.                                                            Figure  and  Still  Life.  one  of  the  few  where  human
      Hanover Gallery.  London
                                                                                and inanimate co-exist through their nature is veritably
                                                                                morte.  But with  the  multiplication  of  the  motives  the
                                                                                intensity in the brushing of the colour increases. impasto
                             1                                                  thickens  and  it  is  as  if  contemporary  art  productions

                                                                                lose  their  validity  and  the artist is  creating  surfaces  as
                                                                                durable.  as  full  of  weathered  textures  as  the  walls  of   ..
                                                                                Somerset where  Scott  and  his  wife  have  spent  much
                                                                                of  their  post-war  life.  Or  we  may  see.  too.  the  boats
                                                                                swinging off the  Holy  Loch.  a childhood  retinal image
                                                                                 In  the  latest  works  a  growing  linear  emphasis  is
                                                                                present-red  lines  frame spaces that  were  the  objects
                                                                                and  in  some  such  as  Balance.  1963  there  is  a  faint
                                                                                suggestion  of  a  figure  in  the  underpainting  that  else­
                                                                                where  gives  vibration  to  the  warm  reds.  As  Alan
                                                                                Bowness  says:  ·The general  character  of  Scott's  most
                                                                                recent  paintings  has  been  an  even  more  extreme
                                                                                simplicity.  with  the most elemental  of  forms that now
                                                                                have only a tenuous connexion with the original still life
                                                                                subjects.  Austerity  and  sensuality  are  present  in
                                                                                indisguised  nakedness.  and  yet  a  mysterious  quality
                                                                                remains.  It  is  the  final  reserve.  the  "inhibition"  in  a
                                                                                painting  as he once called  it. which  defies  explanation
                                                                                or analysis.
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